February 2004

Hi Everyone!

Hope this winter is treating you kindly. I have received some very interesting Alumni News that is included in this newsletter.

Additionally, our big news is the SAIGON KIDS Reunion scheduled for this July. Much time and effort has gone into the planning of the event. In order for the Reunion Activities to be most enjoyable, we need a large turnout. We are at half that figure currently. More folks equate to a FREE party room suite courtesy of the hotel and a livelier dinner/dance.

Check out "Reunion 2004" for a list of who is coming.

If you are looking for the name(s) of your special friend(s) and don't see them listed, it is probably because they too are looking for your name. Why not contact them directly and work out a GO TO REUNION PLAN. "Where are they" on our site includes an up-to-date email address list.

If you are still sitting back and saying "maybe I will just wait until the next reunion" - we are informing all that Frank Stoddard & I are retiring as official Saigon Kid organizers effective this August. Sadly, this may be our last Reunion.

Below is the Reunion Info. Details are also posted on our website.


DATE Thursday, July 29, 2004 through Sunday, August 1, 2004

LOCATION Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville, Tennessee


Please phone 615-883-2211 for reservations. Our group code is X-VNHS Saigon Kids.

The Hotel has been fully booked the past two years in July so please reserve your room NOW.


THURSDAY 5pm - we will meet at the DELTA LOUNGE for DRINKS (cash bar & snacks). The Lounge is on the property and overlooks the Delta River. It features live music.


FRIDAY 10am will be the "OLD TEENAGERS" SOFTBALL GAME. Everyone is invited to play.

Shuttle service to and from the park will be provided.

After the game, enjoy a Nashville style BARBEQUE LUNCH at the park.

FRIDAY evening enjoy The PADDLE-WHEEL RIVER CRUISE on the GENERAL JACKSON SHOWBOAT down the Cumberland River. Included is a gourmet Dinner and an amazing Musical Show. Shuttle Service is provided to and from boat.

SATURDAY play some golf. Relax at the pool. Hang out at the Party Room. Popular Sightseeing Attractions include the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Ryman Auditorium, Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Belle Meade Plantation, and The Hermitage. The hotel also has a number of interesting bus tours. Please call for information at 615-883-2211. Tee times for groups can be arranged by calling 615-871-6885.

SATURDAY 7pm is the DINNER DANCE with a DJ at the hotel. There will be Door Prizes, Music by Request, a wonderful Southern Style Dinner, Dancing, and a Cash Bar.

SUNDAY meet at Rachel's (on site) at 10AM for a BREAKFAST BUFFET.

A PARTY/GATHERING ROOM has been reserved. The room will be open 24 hours a day.


The Fee is $180. per person. This fee includes all hosted events listed above.

A $25 DEPOSIT is due NOW. .

Final payment for the activity fee is due MAY 1, 2004


Please bring a gift from your hometown/state to share.


Please email Frank requests for song selections for our Saigon Kids CD.

stoddard (@)


We have chosen a Baseball Cap in a blue Saigon Kids color with our logo for this Reunion's Souvenir. The caps will be around $12.00 each plus postage.

Please contact Sarah Bush Rogers for ordering information. kuipokauai (@)

A friend and I flew to London for a brief vacation. It's been many years since I've visited England. Lynn, Susan, and I shared a lovely Thanksgiving vacation with Mom and Dad at Topsail Island, NC. Dad is now 92 and Mom is 82. Amazing! At Christmas time, Lynn, her husband Bob, and two of their three children drove to Chapel Hill from Houston for a couple of days with family here in NC. Then they drove to the Poconos to spend a week with family there.
Cathie McIntyre -  cathieannmc (@)

I am now sitting in the hotel on top of the mountain in Irbel - looking out over a fog bank that disguises even the closest landscape. I'm only here for two days and then heading back to Mosul, but wanted to check in and update you on the 'time of my life.' I arrived in Kuwait on Jan 14, after a week-long training in DC that included taking care of your neighbor's evisceration, treating protruding bones, driving through dangerous situations (which, let me add, I received high praises for my well-honed skills which I perfected in Togo), firing AK-47s and sub-guns (which, although I did not receive any accolades, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I ever had to pick up a gun, somebody was sure to get hurt), identifying IEDs (improvised exploding devices) which I kept referring to in class as IUDs (which have also been known to cause unexpected results), and dealing with undue stress. In Kuwait we received our flak jackets, helmets, BDUs (see, I'm learning all the proper acronyms), combat boots (which I absolutely love as they have taken all the worry out of accessorizing handbags and matching shoes) and yet another security briefing. They marched us out to the runway at 0-dark-hundred and we waited for a
C130 to take us into Baghdad. Now, you must remember that I am the
person who drinks bottles of Nyquil to calm my nerves for commercial flights - well, nothing would have helped this flight. About 10 minutes of out Baghdad the pilots began rocking and rolling and banking in order to miss any rocket fire. Needless to say, several passengers were missing their stomachs by the time we landed, but Not I - I didn't embarrass myself - not yet, anyway. Then, whoosh - the plane went straight down and we landed before anyone even knew we were on the ground. In Baghdad we were told to wear all our paraphernalia as the drive into the city was the most dangerous part of the journey. I slept so I don't remember seeing any of the city of Baghdad itself. (You try staying awake with a helmet on your head and 40 pounds of plates on your shoulders and
chests. The weight put me to sleep. (Plus I think all the coffee I had at Starbucks in Kuwait finally wore off.) At Saddam's Palace I was placed into the 'holding cell' - Saddam's chapel where the bunk beds were set up. I spent three nights sleeping (or NOT sleeping, that is) in the same room with about 75 other people, 95% men who snored and made other body noises that we won't discuss here. What a symphony. I spent two days doing my check-in and walked at least ten miles each day and only covered half the palace. I found the gold toilet! The energy and enthusiasm level of that place is a little overwhelming. It's so alive that you almost have to jump out of the way of the energy flow or you'll get knocked over in the corridors. The people are on a constant high, work 15-16 hours a day, and like the Eveready bunny, just keep going. I was using the computer when the car bomb went off on Sunday morning. The place came alive - but I wasn't about to leave the computer as I had already waited in line for 40 minutes to get to a keyboard. About 25 staff members were killed at the front gate, so that day was somber, but the work never missed a tick. The second morning I was again awakened by mortars falling within the compound, put the pillow over my head and sighed - Da mortar de merrier
- and went back to sleep. Guess I am acclimated. As of last night we were made to move out of the hotel (I think it was officially condemned but nobody will say that outright) and into trailers. Did I say trailer? HA! It is a shipping container with a door on one end. I'm sure that if you look close enough you will see the MAERSK under the fresh coat of paint. Now I have to shower with 60 men - those poor guys
- first they get assigned to Iraq and then they get a woman in the trailer park who is 56 years old and overweight! I am told that they are making up a shower schedule to give me a little 'time of my own' - let's be honest here - they are doing it to protect themselves from something they may not want or be willing to see.

So, let's sum it up - I am the deputy coordinator for the province of Nineveh, I live in a shipping container, I wear combat boots to receptions and flack jackets and helmets to city council meetings, and have to take showers according to other people's maneuver schedule. I feel that if I am late for my shower I could case chaos in the day's activities and put a halt to the transition. Cindy Gregg - 8th Grade Saigon 1961 - cindygregg (@)

I'm still hale and hearty as I approach 85 in June.

Joe Drachnik - jbdrac (@) 

I did a live radio interview with Radio Kerry in Ireland. I'll talked about my long-distance commute between my home in the West of Ireland and my work here in Washington.

Steve Johnson - sjohnson (@)

Well folks, we in the East Coast are praying for some warm weather!! We are used to a little snow (even a lot of snow), but usually followed by a heat wave that melts it away in a day or so. This year it is not to be ...

So, to use that weather index as an excuse, we are moving south! By this time next year, Roxanne, Claire and I will be in Sunny New Smyrna Beach, Florida figuring what to do with semi-retirement. We already have a house there and will be putting the one in VA up for sale in the Spring (if it ever arrives)!

During the past few months I have been in touch with a few foreign (Saigon Expatriates) friends of ours that most of you will remember from Saigon. Aside from Michele Viroly (who is also burrrring in Canada) and Françoise Farnarier, I have connected with Philippe Rault and Claude
(Arcache) Rubiro. Both their e-mail addresses are on the website and I have been encouraging both to attend the Reunion ... though it is a long distance to come for just a Reunion. Claude (BTW: if any of you have an old picture of her in Saigon, both she and I would appreciate it since she lost all of her pictures in the Cambodia evacuation and I in Iran) has a daughter that attends John Hopkins University. Philippe has set up a website in France for Saigon expatriates. You are encouraged to sign in and leave a message or two and brush up on your French. The website URL is:
 . If any of you remember Jacque, a Vietnamese who was always around Cerc Sportif and had a Lambretta that everyone used, he has been found in the mid-west and I hope to connect with him soon.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Reunion in TN, ... and Ruth, I promise to bring the pictures you gave me!! I have not forgotten, I just cannot find them ... now.

Best ... Roy McDonald -

Bob and I are expecting our first granddaughter, Emily on Feb. 19th and will visit her in March over my spring break. We are both looking forward to seeing everyone in Nashville in July. Bobby is scheduled to graduate from TX A&M in May and he is our youngest so we are happy for him and us. Rodeo begins in 2 weeks and that is a fun time for us here in Houston." Nothing extra newsy here but life is good and we are happy.

Lynn McIntyre Riley - lynn.riley (@)

This has been a busy year...another return trip to Southeast Asia (went to Thailand and Laos in 2000)...This time we flew to Bangkok, and from
there directly to my beloved Luang Prabang, Laos. Spent two weeks
there, and did my ESL practicum with Buddhist monks and Lao high school students. Then a boat trip up the Nam Ou river to Nong Kiaw and a short drive to Nam Bac, where on November 8 1966 my two brothers, Steven and Alain were shot. Steven did not survive....and from that day on, my life was never the same...

Today Nam Bac is a beautiful and very peaceful valley. Standing on that little airstrip, which is now overgrown with grass and weeds was a very emotional moment for me....I looked around, and wondered what it had all been about, and could feel Steven's presence there...the healing continues after all these years...

From Nam Bac, we drove to Oudomxai in northern Laos where we spent the night, and then the next day, the long bumpy but gorgeous drive to China! It was pretty neat to just walk across the border into China. and then another long and beautiful drive to Jinghong...Spent a few days there, and then on to Lijiang--one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to--besides Luang Prabang--a real Shangri La! From Lijiang we went on to Kunming...bustling, vibrant, warm and friendly.everywhere we went people wanted to talk to us, and have their picture taken with us. From Kunming, we flew into was very strange landing there, but very quickly we found that people couldn't have been nicer and more welcoming, and we fell in love with this lovely and very busy city! Enjoyed the water puppets, walking around the night market, the lake, and even got to see the premiere of "The Quiet American" before it had come out in the U.S. It was a strange feeling to see it there...we spent a day on Halong Bay, one of the loveliest places I've ever seen, and just enjoyed talking to people everywhere we went.

From Hanoi, we flew down to Saigon/HCMCity...I felt at home pretty quickly...we stayed across from the Majestic by the river, and enjoyed our week there. Found my old house, and had a wonderful time meeting the owners who took me all around, and then invited me to come back and stay with them! It was a strange feeling to see a picture of the owner shaking hands with Ho Chi Minh in my parents' old bedroom... The Cercle Sportif looked about the same, so did the Rex, the market, the post office and Cathedral, the Continental, Le Loi and TuDo...A lot of new little buildings, and life moves at a fast pace here..the food is still wonderful and everywhere we went, we were met with smiling and welcoming faces...We spent Tet in Saigon, and enjoyed the fireworks on the river and the celebrations everywhere.

Saigon is known for its pickpockets, and sure enough...the day before our departure, my friend's passport was stolen while we were riding in a cyclo, and it was, the consulate was closed and all of Saigon was shutting down as everyone was going home. We were able to push our trip back by a week (oh, how awful!!!.....) and drove out to Phan Thiet for a fabulous 5 days on the South China Sea.....we made some great friends, and had a wonderful time there and then the passport was ready, and it was time to leave....

I would go back in a minute....and I will go back....

On another note, I am back working at the Washington International School in Washington D.C., teaching the French immersion Pre Kindergarten, and trying to figure out how to get back to Laos or Vietnam this summer. All is two daughters, Paloma and Karina, are fine and so are my two wonderful grandsons, Benjamin and Tristan.

Be well..and a belated Chuc Mung Nam Muoi... I have a little photo album of my trip to Vietnam and Laos on the Internet on "", if you would like to view it, send me an email and I will send you an invitation so that you can access it.

Marie (Perry) Wright - rightly03 (@)

A shining star left us last week...Bill Federer succumbed to cancer and died very suddenly after a valiant fight that went on for more than a year. He leaves behind 3 children, Amber, Kristen, Billy and a grandson, Cosmo. We had reconnected when he had just successfully fought his first bout with lung cancer. He came to see me here in Falls Church and met my family and we stayed in close touch from then on. He had a lovely girlfriend, Taji, and we became close too. They were to be married two days after he died......Bill had so much strength and courage. He was determined to lick this after all he had been through in his life. He still had that wonderful smile, and was such a good man....he will be missed terribly. Marie (Perry) Wright - rightly03 (@)


Please make your Reunion Reservations NOW. If you have sent in a deposit, you still need to make a hotel reservation and vice versa.

Activity Fee Deposits or Full Fee checks can be made out to either me

Arlene Zucker Claiborne or C Frank Stoddard.

Arlene Zucker Claiborne

25 Southgate Ave

Annapolis, MD 21401

alzc (@)


C Frank Stoddard

8166 High Road

Hereford, AZ 85615

stoddard (@)


Please contact Larry Smith if you have any questions about Nashville driving conditions, their airport or other Nashville stuff.

Larry Smith

2540 Devon Valley Drive

Nashville, TN 37221


This has been a FRAZ Production.

Please email, write or phone Frank, or me with any questions suggestions or additions. Also send us your email address changes. If you wish to be REMOVED from this mailing list, please type Remove in the header and email alzc (@)




Hi Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!! 

This is our 5th Thanksgiving Newsletter. I wish to thank all Saigon Kids for your emails, phone calls, letters and postcards. 




To thwart spammers from harvesting your email address we are no longer providing easy clickable email addresses. To email someone on the list manually enter the address in to your email package removing the spaces around the (@) sign. Also do not include the ( ) around the @ sign. We hope this prevents your email address from being targeted by spammers. If you have any comments please send an email to . (I'll be the one exception to this new policy to guide the confused.)


***********NEW SPAM PREVENTION POLICY***********


We have a big Reunion planned for next July, and I hope that all of you are making plans to come and enjoy our wonderful Saigon family in Nashville .



Thursday July 29, 2004 through Sunday August 1, 2004 , Nashville , Tennessee

Hotel and Activity Information is detailed at the end of this newsletter. This information also appears on our web site



I have some newsletter news.  I'm getting married on Nov 8,2003 to John Humphrey, a great person.  He lives in Napa - but I'm going to work another year here in Santa Rosa , then move to Napa with him.  Meanwhile, we'll be remodeling his house.  Loved FRANK and Sue STODDARD's visit this summer.  What great friends you all are to me. 


duthiejw (@)


Been a long time since I've shared what I'm up to with our Saigon Kids, so here goes. As you know, I've been living here in Atlanta since the 1970s, after spending two years in the Army following graduation at the University of Arizona . Since arriving, I've been the managing editor of a couple of daily newspapers, spent 13 years in corporate communication roles at The Coca-Cola Company and then seven years as manager of executive communication at The Home Depot. Last year I started my own company, Calibrated Performance Solutions, which helps companies and organizations improve their corporate communication activities. I'm happy to say that beginning the week of November 10 my new interactive website will be live. So, log on to Any feedback would be very much appreciated.

On a personal note, my two daughters are blossoming. Sheridan, 16, is driving and looking toward college. Madison, 14, is an expert bass musician and can't wait to jump into high school next year. And, to wrap this up, after dating a wonderful woman for nearly two years, I hope to be engaged by the time you read this! Best to all, and see you at the reunion next summer. My brother RICHARD will be coming through Atlanta just beforehand, so we'll all truck up there together. If any Saigon Kids pass through Atlanta , please look me up!  


dwhwriter (@)

Tel. 770-977-2357 2391 Parkside Walk, Marietta , GA   30062



Did your ears burn, ARLENE? LARRY & Bonnie SMITH and DONNA of Nashville, Tenn. spent Sat. and Sunday afternoon, August 3l, 2003 & Sept. l, 2003 with us while we were there on a military reunion.  All we talked about was Saigon , Vietnam and all of you people that were there and your activities.  It was so nice getting together with them.

CHARLOTTE & NATE BUSH (The Bush girls parents)

charbush3 (@)


To the Saigon Kids: At 84 years, I'm probably your oldest Kid, but I'm still feisty. Happily retired (from the US Navy and from Law) in Sacramento , CA . I fill my days with yard maintenance, woodworking, golf and erasing spam on my computer.  Warm regards to anyone who might remember me as Chief Navy Section in 1973.  




Check out my new site -

It has a link to your site.  Some of the old group might find it interesting.


gmelv (@)


JANIE SHEPPARD reports: that having unretired, I am working with a law firm in Ukiah, Ca., specializing in Indian law. I work 3 and a half days a week, more or less, and enjoy the flexibility of working less and enjoying life more.

As part of that enjoyment, I am part of a rather large contingent of people in Mendocino County trying to get a county ordinance enacted that would ban the growing genetically modified (GMOs) crops in the County. So far, we believe we have collected enough signatures to get our initiative on the ballot in March. The good folks at Monsanto and the other big corporations haven’t swooped down on us yet, but we expect them to. In preparation, we are getting ourselves educated to present our side of the story. Fortunately, there are some very good experts willing to help.

Just for fun, I wrote a little article for our local alternative newspaper, The Bullhorn, on the original grantee of the Mexican land grant in which Ukiah sits. I enjoyed doing all the research into the Mexican land grants and the history surrounding them. Of course, the grantee had to sell his grant to pay for the lawyers who preserved his other grant in Napa Valley . Many of the grantees lost title through the nefarious workings of both the Commission that was set up by Congress to "clear titles," and our Supreme Court.

Now I am working on another article on the Indians of Northern California who almost lost everything through more nefarious workings of the Congress and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Two of the lawyers with whom I work, as well as another lawyer in Ukiah, were instrumental in saving the little reservations so I am telling the story through interviews with the lawyers. (How convenient, huh.)

My partner, Bill Radtkey, and I continue to bicycle around Northern California , although having added a dog to our family, our bicycling is somewhat curtailed. If two-lane freeways and slow internet connections remain obstacles to population growth, the area will remain bicycle friendly–except for the hills. Not the Rockies , but steep nevertheless. We try to keep our legs strong during the rainy season by taking early–5:54 am– spin classes at our local health club.

And, we enjoy the wine. It’s fabulous.

mjshepp (@)


KAREN NOVICK Maru, eighth grade class of 61, wishes everyone an interesting December.  I'm making my month amusing by doing Shamanic training hoping to find my power animals (which appear to be lost). Another fun December activity will be seeing my sons, ages 22 and 23, who I annoy considerably but who I adore. I'll be paying for all this by finishing up the fall semester at the University of Connecticut (where I teach Marketing to MBAs).

KarenMaru (@)


Hello, Saigon brats -- Best wishes for the holidays to all of you.  My (increasingly sweet) husband Patrick and I have lots of travel plans for this year -- to Washington & Oregon to visit friends & our darling granddaughter (see attachment) in November; to Hawaii in December  -- at the Hale Koa military Hotel  --; to Spain in June; and to Colorado in the summer for a Stann family reunion.  I'm working my way toward retirement slowly by taking my last four years as college professor at half time.  Even that is a real adjustment after being a major workaholic all my life.  (How dumb was that???)   Right now I'm trying to organize a mini reunion with LINDA PEI and JANIE DUTHIE in San Francisco for November.  Hope to see lots of you in Nashville !  Lots of Gecko love, SUSIE STANN PS:  I hope this time BOTH VENY & DINI will make it to Nashville .  It's a very American city and will give you "girls" a true picture of the genteel American South.  Please come!

StannSusan (@)


Excited to be building my house up in the mountains, behind the Sleeping Giant Ridge in Kauai . Three bedrooms so even more room for visits from all my ' Saigon Kids' and family.

My wish is for all to have a lovely holiday season.

Mele Kalikimaka!


kuipokauai (@)


JIM COOPER (ACS 1962-1965)  - I just retired after 30 years in the Navy, the vast majority spent in the Pacific flying P-3 Orion patrol planes.  My final assignment was head of the Navy ROTC program at the University of Kansas , the same unit from which I was commissioned. I was fortunate enough to simultaneously start work at the KU Medical Center (administration, not surgery!).  My wife Sandy and I live in Lawrence .  Our son Stewart is attending Johnson County Community College , studying automotive technology, and our daughter, Veronica, started at KU in the NROTC program this year.  Thanks! 

Jim C

jscooper (@)


Had a wonderful time visiting VICKI G. FRASER in Mendocino in May.  She is almost halfway through her fabulous California rug.  It was really cool to tie a few knots myself and to hear her stories of all the different symbols contained in the rug.  We had a picnic under towering redwoods, ate fine seafood, saw the art center.  While in California , I also hung out in delicious hot springs and got to experience my first earthquake! Spent a week in June in Troncones, near Zihuatenejo , Mexico (north of Acapulco on the pacific coast) - lazy days in the pool, water coloring under the veranda, fried shrimp on the beach under palapas. Just hung my latest photo show.  Quite a warm and successful reception. I am pleased. Hi to STEVE JOHNSON.  Where are you now?  Will you email me please? BOBBIE, sweetie, how are you?


brookskasson (@)


I just want to thank you for all your efforts concerning the Saigonkids website.  I don't know how long you have been doing it, but I do know that it takes a real commitment to keep it going.  Since I have never read one of the newsletters before, I think that I will just write that it's great to finally be in touch with so many of the Saigon people again after all these years.  I am now a history professor at Wichita State University in Wichita , KS , and when I lecture to my students about the Viet-Nam War, I am able to provide some stories and information they would never read about in any textbook!  I have also been married to Jeff Berven for 33 years and have twin sons, Christopher and Jeremy, age 22 who will both be graduating from their respective universities in May. I'm hoping to make it to the reunion next summer (I promise that the deposit will soon be in the mail) and wish everyone a joyous holiday season followed by a 2004 that is filled with hope and friendship.

With warmest regards,


mlboj (@)


I started a new job with Durham Public Schools, where I manage a U.S. history grant.  I continue to teach part-time at NC Wesleyan College . LYNN and I will share Thanksgiving at Topsail Island, NC, with SUSAN and family and Mom and Dad.  We look forward to some strolls on the beach and a traditional turkey feast in our beach rental house.


cmcintyre (@)


Just a note to say hello and to say that Tom and I summitted 7 peaks this summer getting ready for the big fourteen thousand peak mountain in Colorado, Long's Peak. We successfully accomplished it after 11 grueling hours round trip. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Now we are getting ready for ski season and hoping for some snow since we are in a drought! Visited with mom and dad this summer in Indiana and hope to meet SARAH and BARBARA in Portland , Oregon in January.   Tried to make a connection with BROOKS TOLAND Kasson this fall in Taos , New Mexico but didn't work out. Maybe next time she travels through to Taos .  She did send me a photograph of her work and it looked New Mexican to me.  There is so much to photograph in this part of the country. Hope all is well with you and enjoy the winter. Love,


cbushrn (@)


For those of you who are in the area and are looking for some excitement next Thursday evening, I'm giving a talk on my new work at The Shed Gallery at 7:00pm . It would be great to see you there.

Sorry Richard for not getting this info out earlier. (Talk was on 11/13 in Newport Beach , CA )


turner (@)


We'll spend the holidays with all of our children and grandchildren in the Poconos in Pa.   We'll have our first celebration with my parents, CATHIE and SUSAN and family in Chapel Hill , NC on 12/21/03 .  I'm still loving being an elementary school nurse and moved to a school in the same district that is only 12 mins from home.  Bob and I are happy about Bobby's upcoming TX A&M University graduation in May.  Our first granddaughter is due the end of Feb. so we're looking forward to spending spring break with Emily and her brothers Chris and Will.  I am really looking forward to seeing many of you the last weekend in July!  I wish all of you a blessed holiday season and a new year filled with health and happiness. 




"Beannachtai agus sonas um Nollaig agu Athbhliain faoi mhaise" "Christmas blessings and every good wish for the New Year"

Hi, All: I'm busy with my writing, editing and consulting work in Ireland, and make regular visits to London, where I have an office.  On Sundays, I minister to the congregation of the Princes Street Unitarian Church in Cork City , which dates from 1717. My wife, Penny, is a published poet and writer on Celtic spirituality, and this year made pilgrimages to a number of sacred sites in Ireland, England and Wales, as well as taking part in a week-long event in October in Swansea, Wales, marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Dylan Thomas.   We would be happy to welcome Saigon kids and their families who may be visiting Ireland during the coming year. STEPHEN JOHNSON

Tara Farm Kenmare, County Kerry Ireland smjohnson (@) 011-353-86-192-9439


Dear Saigon Newsletter Genies: Just a quick note to include notes on some new folks: In my first month with a new real estate firm in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii, I sat adjacent to a wonderful woman who kindly showed me the ropes as I settled in. IDA PRANGE and I talked about our lives in between sales, clients, and computer challenges, and after I thought I'd gotten to know her, an idle comment about moving quite a bit started a whole new conversation. While a client and others in the office rushed by, we realized that my mother and I had left Saigon just a month before Ida and her family had arrived! We compared American Community School notes, and exchanged memories, hers of an elementary school romance, mine of people I knew and still wonder about, the feel and smell of the streets of Saigon, my joy at my intended visit in Spring 2004. When we were at lunch a couple of weeks later, her sister SARAH stopped by and broke into the school song, singing it start to finish in a sweet, clear voice! The connections are everywhere... and what a delight to find one right here in Hilo . Welcome Ida and Sarah to the Saigon Kids, and a warm aloha to all of you.

Deborah Oakley-Melvin (aka DEBBY MELVIN, 4th grade ACS student who lived on Ngo Dinh Khoi and Le Pasteur in 1962 and 1963) And a note to those who have any advice for a Saigon visit, please e-mail me at deboakleymelvin (@) or deb (@)


Hi everyone -Just want to send warm wishes to all of my friends especially those from our Arizona reunion since that's the only time I have seen everyone! And to all of my other friends from Saigon days '61-'62, I hope to see everyone in Tennessee . A special hello to SARAH and her family and RUTH. Time is going by and I'm not keeping up with my well wishes to all of the people I care about-forgive me. Ruth and I are spending a lot of time going to Florida to help with our parents. Mother is 91 today and Ruth is there giving her a birthday party. Dad is going on 92 and is being the ever tough "Colonel" to deal with. Boy, are we lucky he didn't find out about all of our parties in Saigon !  As I raise a 16 yr. old daughter now I wonder what it would be like to be with her in Saigon . What do you think girls??? I'm still busy working for the National Wildlife Federation producing the merchandise catalogs. I'm really thinking about cutting back real soon. My husband, Joe, is still with Unisys and busier than ever. Our older daughter Shannon is living at home but we see a wedding coming up in a couple of years. Her boyfriend is a first year law student so I think it will be awhile-but I have hope! The girls keep us busy with their activities in the horses. Emily is in the Loudoun Hunt club and fox hunts on the weekends. They are also training a new large, black thoroughbred named Major Attraction. He will be the new show horse for both of them. Our other horse is 22 now and semi-retired after many years of taking them to Championships in Hunter shows. So we will have a busy season ahead. My stepson Mike has come through a miserable year of tongue cancer treatments. We are happy to say he is doing very well. The power of prayer!! Hope everyone is well and Happy Thanksgiving. Love,


smithma (@)


I'm so excited to visit Nashville with an adventuresome group! Finally, a chance to wear my red cowboy boots! It has been so difficult to live without Terry's wit and insight.  This reunion timing is great because I'm so ready to lock arms with the Saigon Kids and laugh, listen and learn!  I visited SARAH BUSH Rogers in Kauai ; easy to see why she loves it there as it has an exotic foreign flavor.  After a year of isolation, I'm afraid I acted like an unleashed puppy but Sarah's soft graciousness was a good counter-balance.  Some call me a lady of leisure now; a better description would be 'slug'.  Glad I still have a few months to drum up some good stories to share with you in Nashville .  Thank you all for the support you've given me; your kindness really made a difference.  Love from your Oregon representative,


jerilynn (@)


Not a lot to report out here in So. Cal . The fires have died down and soon we'll have the mudslides, followed by riots in the spring. But that's the price you pay to live in "God's Country." Happy Holidays everyone! See you in Nashville , where I have dibs on playing 1st base.

Just in case anyone was interested here's the weather report for SAIGON that I just got off the SaigonKids. Com web site..... An enduring memory of TERRY COLEMAN.

Updated: 12:00 PM ICT on November 08, 2003 Observed at Ho Chi Minh , Viet Nam, make that SAIGON if you don't mind. Temperature 90 °F / 32 °C   HeatIndex 103 °F / 40 °C   Humidity 66%  Dew Point 77 °F / 25 °C   Wind North at 4 mph / 6.4 km/h   Wind Gust -   Pressure 29.80 in / 1009 hPa (Steady)   Conditions Scattered Clouds  Visibility -   Clouds  (Above Ground Level) Scattered Clouds (SCT) : 1700 ft / 520 m


Rfschutt (@)



MARTHA SUZANNE SHAFFER passed away October 2 in Tucson, Arizona, after being diagnosed with a brain tumor just one month before.

She had been a senior manager of the University of Arizona Bookstore where she worked for twenty years. Martha was born in the Congo in 1956 and lived in Saigon from 1960-65. She graduated from the International School of Manila in 1974 and received her Bachelor of Music Composition from Indiana University . She is survived by her parents, Harrison and Jackie Shaffer or Arvada , Colorado , and her brothers, HARRISON of Tucson and PAUL of Albuquerque ."

HARRISON SHAFFER has been named Managing Editor of the University of Arizona Press in Tucson, a publisher of scholarly and general interest books with a focus on the Southwest and the Mexican border region.

Harrison Shaffer Box 65539 Tucson AZ 85728-5539 520-321-3323 greatowl (@)




This past June, SUE and I had a very pleasant trip through California .  We stopped first at JANIE DUTHIE’s house, which is located in the middle of beautiful wine country, U.S.A.   Sorry guys, but if you visit Janie’s house now I must warn you that I drank all of her $60.00 wine.  We next ventured down the road to MIKE and Annimieke COOPER’s fabulous  “tree house”.  They took us on a tour of the very impressive Stanford University campus.  By the way, Mike is quite the gourmet cook.  We all met SUSIE (STANN) and her husband Pat Burke at a fantastic Vietnamese restaurant in Palo Alto .  We concluded the evening in Sunnyvale by having dessert and a great visit at the Burke’s very “Feng Shui” home.  Sue and I next drove down to Southern California for a weeks stay near San Diego (rough life!).  We were able to meet up with RICK and Cyndi SCHUTT for a Vietnamese meal in “Little Saigon ”.  We could have used Susie Stann’s talent for ordering food however, for my pick of “shrimp spam on a stick” was not the best of decisions. Sorry we missed seeing BARBARA BUSH in the Seattle area (By the way Barb, did you and William enjoy your stay in Sue’s and my old territory… Gallatin Valley ?)  Also we were sorry that we were not able to see RICHARD TURNER. We missed your email, not getting it until we were back home. Last month RUTHIE (MATTESON) Blackmore flew in to Tucson for a conference.  Sue and I were able to link up with her and we met RICHARD and Sharon HENRY for a very pleasant Mexican dinner.  We topped off the evening with a visit at the Henry’s fabulous home in the foothills of Tucson .

When in California , Rick gave me several 33 1/3 albums (my son calls them “Vinyls ”), which brought my collection to over 700. Yes, we play them all the time.  In fact yesterday my mind drifted back to “yesterdays” upon looking at one of my older records with the “purple colored circle stamp” on the back states “US Navy Exchange, 8-0  $2.25”.  Yes, I bought that one in Saigon , which brings me to the “2004 REUNION STUFF”.  Please send music requests.  If you would like to dedicate a particular song to someone, please let me know.  If you wish to explain why a song is important, that would be fun.  If you want a song, but wish to remain anonymous (sensitive people), that will be honored.  Please send me what you want….any song, any era, for any person, for any age …we’ll try to meet your request.  By the way I really would like to see some of you “young” folks at the reunion (1962-1965).  I see emails, I hear about your stories, I look at your pictures in the Gecko, but I would really like to meet you in person.  Let’s have the best and biggest reunion ever! 


stoddard (@)



DATE: Thursday, July 29, 2004 through Sunday, August 1, 2004

LOCATION: Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville , Tennessee



Gaylord Opryland -


SAIGON KIDS have contracted a block of rooms for the Reunion . You can choose a Traditional Style Room or a Premium Room (private balcony). Room rate is good 3 days prior and 3 days after our event on a space available basis.

Room Rate: Traditional - $145. plus tax ; Premium - $170. plus tax

Please phone 615-883-2211 for reservations. Our group code is X-VNHS.

The Hotel has been fully booked the past two years in July so please reserve your room as soon as you can.



We reserved a PARTY/GATHERING ROOM. The room will be open 24 hours a day.


THURSDAY 5pm - we will meet at the DELTA LOUNGE for DRINKS (cash bar & snacks). The Lounge is on the property and overlooks the Delta River . It features live music.


FRIDAY 10am will be the "OLD TEENAGERS" SOFTBALL GAME. Everyone is invited to play.

Shuttle service to and from the park will be provided.

After the game, enjoy a Nashville style BARBEQUE LUNCH at the park.


FRIDAY evening enjoy The PADDLE-WHEEL RIVER CRUISE on the GENERAL JACKSON SHOWBOAT down the Cumberland River . Included is a gourmet Dinner and an amazing Musical Show. Shuttle Service is provided to and from boat.


SATURDAY play some golf.  Relax at the pool. Hang out at the Party Room. Popular Sightseeing Attractions include the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Ryman Auditorium, Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Belle Meade Plantation , and The Hermitage. The hotel also has a number of interesting bus tours including homes of country legends combined with other attractions. Please call for information at 615-883-2211. Tee times for groups can be arranged by calling 615-871-6885.


SATURDAY 7pm is the DINNER DANCE with a DJ at the hotel. There will be Door Prizes, Music by Request, a wonderful Southern Style Dinner, Dancing, and a Cash Bar.


SUNDAY meet at Rachel's (on site) at 10AM for a BREAKFAST BUFFET.



The Fee will again be $180. per person. This fee includes all hosted events listed above, the Party Room, and Shuttle Service to events.

A  $25 DEPOSIT is due NOW. The deposit helps us with our commitment for planned activities.

Final payment for the activity fee is due MAY 1, 2004


We will be posting "WHO'S COMING" in early March on the Website as activity deposits or full fees are received.


Please send an Activity Fee Deposit check made out to either me

Arlene Zucker Claiborne or C Frank Stoddard.


Arlene Zucker Claiborne

25 Southgate Ave

Annapolis , MD 21401

alzc (@)



C Frank Stoddard

8166 High Road

Hereford , AZ 85615

stoddard (@)



Please contact Larry Smith if you have any questions about Nashville driving conditions, their airport or other Nashville stuff.


Larry Smith

2540 Devon Valley Drive

Nashville , TN 37221






The next Saigon Kids Newsletter will be mailed in February. You can send updates and messages anytime for inclusion.


This has been a FRAZ Production.

Please email, write or phone Frank, or me with any questions suggestions or additions. Also send us your email address changes. If you wish to be REMOVED from this mailing list, please type Remove in the header and email alzc (@)







Lots of exciting news to report in this addition of our Newsletter.
Thanks to all of you for taking time to write and share your latest personal events. And as promised, there is REUNION 2004 information below. YEAH!  Enjoy!

Saigon Kids Reunion - Nashville, Tennessee - July, 2004

Our next Saigon Kids Reunion will be held at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville
, Tennessee
The dates will be from Thursday, July 29 to Sunday, August 1, 2004
. Larry Smith has been working with the hotel to organize this event. I will be updating all of you in a few weeks with final costs so you can make your reservation ASAP.

Highlights of the Reunion
will include:
River Cruise down the Cumberland River on the General Jackson.
Old "Teenagers" Softball Game and Barbecue. Get those gloves & voices ready!
Dinner/Dance with your requested favorite songs featured.

Molly Greene has worked hard to contact everyone to update our database "where are they"  on the website. THANKS SO MUCH!! The new directory of names, email addresses, hometowns, class and years in Saigon
will be posted on our site in a week or so. Please contact me if there are any additions or corrections to your listing. alzc (@)

Our new website is We are still not caught up with the editing of old material, etc. Please be patient. Our old website will be linked to the new one as an archive. Please contact Roy at roy (@) for website info.


Rick Buchanan - I was in sixth grade in 1962, and the school expanded greatly the next fall, as the buildup of American personnel began to increase rapidly.
I went to the web site, and was pleased to recognize a few names.  My own daughter is in eighth grade this year, and she thinks the Gecko is the funniest thing she's ever seen. I live in Roanoke
, Virginia , where I am an assistant prosecutor for the Roanoke County Commonwealth 's Attorney's Office.
rbuchanan11 (@)

Randy Seely - After we left Saigon, we went to Virginia, where I finished high school and graduated in '65.  In Dec '65, I joined the Air Force (my dad, being an officer, swore me in...) and stuck it out for 20 yrs 3 wks 5 days.  I retired as a Master Sergeant (E-7) Jan l, 1986.  Dad came back to Illinois
and presented me my retirement papers...kinda nice touch and a helluva way to end my AF career.
After training in 1966 as a Morse Intercept Operator, I went to the Philippines
for 18 months...then back to the states to Offutt AFB, Nebraska , where I met my wife.  We got married in March of 1969, and off we went to Italy , where I was stationed for almost 3 years.  While there, I cross-trained into American Forces Radio & Television Service (AFRTS) in 1971.  After Italy , I went to Thailand for 12 months by myself, followed by an accompanied tour to Crete , Greece for 3 years.  From Greece to Virginia ...then I was sent on another unaccompanied tour...this time to Seoul , Korea for 12 months.  From Korea , back to the states ( Texas ) for 18 months, and then to the Azores , Portugal where we vegged out for 3 glorious years.   We came back to the states...Scott AFB, Illinois ...where I retired in '86. 
We've been married 34 years...and have 3 sons, Todd, 32...Ryan, 27...and Corey, 21.   Todd and his wife live in Las Vegas, where he works for Southwest Airlines; she's a partner in an investigative agency - no kids.  Ryan's an Ada
County deputy sheriff (patrol) here in Idaho ...married; they gave us our (at least for now) only grandson, who's 2.  Corey's single...lives with his girlfriend close to us.
After I retired, I stayed in radio here in Boise production director for a family of 5 corporate radio stations (writing and producing commercials.)  I stayed with those stations for 13 1/2 years; in 1999, I left to take on the job of Program Director at KGEM here in Boise , an Adult Standards station (think 'oldies.')  In November 2001, the general manager informed me that, effective Jan 1, 2002 , my job would no longer be in the budget, and the station was going to air syndicated satellite programming.  Thus, the end of my radio career!
I decided to get into something more now I'm an Ada
County Deputy Sheriff...working as the commissary officer at the Ada County Jail!  I've been doing it for more than a year, and love it.  Work weekdays 7-til-3...weekends off.  Our jail has more than 900 I guess it's called 'job security.'
That's my a nutshell.  We love Idaho folks live here in Boise .  My brother, Greg, and his wife live in Spokane .  Another brother, Scott, is in Pennsylvania , and is a prison guard. My youngest brother, Kevin, died 3 years ago.
RandySeely (@)

Gregory Seely - I attended the American
Community School in Saigon from 1961 to 1963, in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. I would love to hear from anyone who would remember me, especially Thomas Brothers, Marylou Hammond, or either of the "Corsican girls" that used to hang out at the Cercle Sportif. Gs8055 (@)

Susie Stann - Unbelievably, I saw Georgia Turner at an English teacher's conference in Baltimore
last month!  We had a great lunch together and caught up, since we hadn't seen each other since the Arizona Reunion .  After that I went to stay with my brother Jeff Stann and his wife Patsy in DC.  We had fun as usual doing the museums and catching up.
The next week Linda Pei and I met in an upscale Vietnamese restaurant in Palo Alto
.  We recognized each other right away.  We had a great gabfest about our lives, our brothers, our parents, and the reunions. She lives in Tiburon, near San Francisco , and has her own investment company whose interest is women.   I gave her my booklet and CD Rom about returning to Vietnam to read, and we promised to meet again soon--hopefully with Janie Duthie, who Linda remembers fondly.  -- Hear that, Janie?? Email me, and we'll set up a meeting!
There is a fabulous exhibit on Vietnam
at the American Museum of American History in New York which I am going to see in May.  Check it out:  If anyone plans to go, I'll be going May 18.  Let me know!
Best to all.
StannSusan (@)

Gene (
Joe ) Weinbeck - new email address
genew (@)

Tony Doggett
- I am leaving USAID at the end of April after 22 years in the Foreign Service and expect to continue working as an international consultant.  Anyone have any job leads???
Cldoggett (@)

Karen Novick - I love having been "found" by the Saigon
kids last year.  I keep in touch with those Asian roots in my quilting.  The quilt I just finished has fabrics from the Miao people of China (who are also in Vietnam ) in it. KarenMaru (@)

Richard Henry
- We are going to be in Hawaii
in a couple of weeks on a
cruise of the islands, which we are very much looking forward to.
rchenry (@)

Sarah Bush - My big news is that I finally got a new zipper in my lovely Saigon 'Central Market' pants that Ruthie had to cut me out of last reunion! And, Jerilynn Coleman is coming to Kauai
early June and we look forward to spending some time together.
For all those readers out there: UP COUNTRY by Nelson DeMille is really a good read. For all of us that have fond thoughts of Vietnam
it brings past and present together in a very entertaining book. ****
hanaloha (@)

Rick Schutt - Since 1970 when I first saw the TV Show "Then Came Bronson" I've wanted to travel throughout the USA
on my motorcycle. Now I'm doing it. I was able to carve out 3 weeks and cruise on his Honda ST1100. First stop leaving So. Cal was in Hereford, AZ. to spend a few days with Frank & Sue Stoddard. The hospitality was great and I highly recommend Casa de Stoddard. I plan to motor thru the South a bit, then swing north with stops to visit Cathy McIntyre (NC), Steve Pryplesh (VA), Dave Sheppard (DC). Then it's off to Niagara Falls , Mt. Rushmore and then sunny California . He emphasizes sunny as he was recently caught in a freak snowstorm. That he doesn't recommend especially on two wheels. (This note just in - Rick had to unfortunately cut his east coast visits because of severe weather and is returning safely home). Rfschutt (@)

Jane Anthis Stephenson
- I am a court-appointed mediator and EEO investigator in the private and federal sectors.  I am married to Charles L. Stephenson, Land Manager for a small, independent oil and gas exploration company in Dallas
.  Our son, Charlie, is a senior at Baylor University .
Planojas (@)

Charlotte Bush - Sarah Bush Rogers, Barbara Bush Parker, Candice Bush and parents Charlotte and Nate Bush had a family reunion April 2, 2003 to April 6th, 2003 at a 5
bedroom house in Las Vegas, Nev. with pool, spa, billiard table, TV and
everything else you could want.
We were a group of l6 adults and two baby girls. We did our own cooking
as Candy and Tom drove from New Mexico
and brought a turkey and
hamburger and other goodies.
We saw two shows, gambled and everyone walked the strip at their
leisure.  With three cars and cell phones everyone did as they pleased
but our best time was being together in the kitchen.
We are leaving for Indiana
May 3lst.
charbush3 (@)

Sally Anthis - I live and work in Northern Virginia
. On 7 May, I will be celebrating my 30-year anniversary with Navy Federal Credit Union. And I am going through the pangs of getting my Master Degree in Business Technologies.
Sally_Anthis (@)

Steve Pryplesh - I continue to enjoy his second career living in Virginia
.  My first grandson is a little over a year old and is a great joy.  Just ask me for a picture and I will flood your computer. pryplesh (@)

Brooks Toland - I am traveling to northern California
to see the beautiful redwoods and visit with Vicki Greenamyer Fraser later in May.  In June, down to play with a friend on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico .  Maybe up to Taos in August or September.  At some point, I'd really like to go to Ireland and see Steve Johnson.
Had a great time earlier this year writing the vows for my son's wedding
and helping his fiancée plan the event. I am now involved in putting on an event in the state capitol rotunda:  legislative massage awareness week. Free chair massages and lots of meeting and greeting.
I am looking forward to news of the next reunion.
brookskasson (@)

Mike Dunn - Dear Saigon
Kids on November 25, 2002 , my Mother, Jane Ellen (Grace) Dunn, 83, passed away due to cancer of the pancreas.  She had a long and fruitful life.  When we were in Saigon , she taught English at the Vietnamese / American Association.  She really enjoyed the tour in Saigon , as I remember.  A Mother of four boys, Peter (60), Michael (58), John (53), and Patrick (deceased at age 21; auto accident), she left behind my Father, Major General Edward Clare Dunn (90).  They had been married over 62 years.  She was buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery , in San Antonio , Texas
On a brighter note, last weekend, April 26th, Yen and I went to the wedding of her niece, Dung, in Los Angeles
, California
.  The interesting thing about this is that she got to see her younger sister, Bich (50), whom she has not seen in 28 years.  Bich and her family have been living in Australia since the 70's and they have Aussie accents (when speaking English, that is).  Yen has 2 brothers living in Los Angeles , and another sister and 2 brothers flew in from Ottawa , Canada , with their families, so it was a partial family reunion. 
The weekend before that, April 19th, we attended another wedding of one of Yen's many nieces, Tina, in Houston
, Texas
.  Only the Texas part of the family could be there for that event.  Yen has two sisters and four brothers in Texas .  Only two brothers still live in Saigon , and one of them just had one of his daughters get married in April, also.  Sorry we couldn't go to that one.  But maybe some day.......
As far as our family goes, Catherine (32) had her first child, Jennifer Clare Wright, on January 24, 2002
, in Durham , North Carolina (they live in Hillsborough).  John (31) is at Texas Tech University (undergraduate).  Christopher (26) has a daughter, Tabitha Liyen Dunn, who will be 4 years old this weekend (May 4th); they live here in San Antonio , Texas .  And Charles (20), will be 21 years old on May 10th.  Charles is completing his third year at Texas A&M University, where he is studying to be a Mechanical Engineer.  He is a whiz at mathematics and should do well wherever he goes. 
We definitely hope to be at the next reunion and hope that we will get to see many old friends there. 
Best wishes,
usma67dunn (@)

Frank Stoddard - It was great having Rick Schutt come by to visit.  It was enjoyable talking about old times and the hopes of the future.  We also listened to a lot of old music!  We did dedicate one song especially for Rick.  We played an old 33 (our son calls them vinyl's) from "Easy Rider" called "Born To Be Wild".  This fit Rick perfectly.  How many of us would be so adventurous as this, to cross the country on a motorcycle?  We would only think it and not do it! Way to go, Rick!
Our oldest daughter Tanya is now a manager at in Tempe (Phoenix). Our son, Si, went back to school at the U of A and will do his student teaching somewhere in the Phoenix area this fall. He also continues his art career and does a fair amount of commission work. Our youngest, Jodie, became an RN this year and works at the Desert Samaritan Hospital (Phoenix area). Our youngest granddaughter, Tavia, will start the first grade this year and is quite the "singer" and "dancer".  Our oldest granddaughter, Paije, will be 13 this month. Paije is 5'9" (yes that is correct!) and loving the sport of volleyball.  She has played in tournaments in LA and Minneapolis this year.  One of her goals is to go to Stanford on a volleyball scholarship.
My wife Sue and I will be going on a trip in a few weeks.  We will drive up to the Navajo and Hopi Indian reservations in Northern Arizona and spend a couple of days. (Sue had lived on the Montana Crow Reservation for three years of her high school). We'll then go up through eastern Utah/western Colorado, and central Wyoming.  We are going to visit Heart Mountain where my first memories of this world are.  Some of you know that Heart Mountain was one of the main internment camps for the Japanese Americans during the War.  After they were allowed to leave Heart Mountain, families that were associated with the Big Horn District, Bureau of Reclamation, moved in.  We were one such family.  I lived there until half way through the first grade.  I have not been back since.
From Wyoming we'll drive through Bozeman where I went to college and our first child was born, by Anaconda where our son was born, to Missoula where Sue and I were married and where we'll visit Sue's brother.  Sue's brother had a rough year, losing his only son to a tragic hunting accident.
We'll next visit my little sister Mary and her family in Port Orchard, WA.  Any of you Seattle folks going to be around where we could take the ferry over to the "Farmer's Market" and at least meet you for lunch?  (Guessing around 6th/7th June).
Our next travels will take us down the coast to Carlsbad, CA where we need to be by 15 June.  Anybody who lives between Santa Rosa and San Jose want to get together for breakfast, lunch or dinner sometime around the 12th, 13th, or 14th of June?  Also after we get to Carlsbad, we do plan on going to Westminster for a Vietnamese feast sometime during the week of 16th to 21 June.  If anyone is around, please join us for at least a "ba'mui'ba"!  SEE YOU ALL ON THE NIGHT OF THE BLUE MOON IN THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY!!!
stoddard (@)
I want to Thank... Arlene for her continual enthusiasm ...Sarah for a wonderful Hawaiian memory ...Larry & Bonnie for all their efforts on Reunion 2004 .... Molly for all her work on the Saigon Kids list .... Roy for his dedication to site ....and I especially want to thank Terry Coleman (our friend we'll always remember) for his establishment of and his positive, outlook on life.  He is a reminder that we must all try to live this way.

The next Saigon Kids Newsletter will be mailed in late Summer. You can send updates and messages anytime for inclusion.



Happy memorial day weekend. I hate soggy md right now. - Kurtz Miller curiogallery (@)

This has been a FRAZ Production.
Please email, write or phone Frank, or me with any questions suggestions or additions. If you wish to be REMOVED from this mailing list, please type Remove in the header and email
alzc (@)

Arlene Zucker Claiborne
25 Southgate Ave
Annapolis, MD 21401
alzc (@)

C. Frank Stoddard
8166 High Road
Hereford, AZ 85615
stoddard (@)